Health Services Department
Lisa Perez grew up here in Odem and is an Odem Graduate from class of 1992. After high school graduation she married her high school sweetheart and left Odem with her husband who was in the United States Air Force. Together they lived in New Jersey, Okinawa Japan, and New Mexico before finally coming back to live in Odem in 2001. She received her Registered Nursing Degree from Del Mar School of Nursing in 2003. After receiving her Nursing License she worked at Northwest Regional Hospital and Spohn Shoreline before accepting a position as a School Nurse at Odem-Edroy ISD. She has been a school Nurse at Odem-Edroy ISD for 15years and is presently the District Nurse. She has been married for 26 years and has 2 children who are both ODEM OWLS!!!!!!!
School Nurse's serve in a pivotal role to provide expertise and oversight for the provision of school health services and promotion of health education. Using clinical knowledge and judgement, the school nurse provides health care to students and staff, performs health screenings and coordinates referrals to the medical home and private healthcare provider. The school nurse serves as a liason between school personnel, family, community, and healthcare providers to advocate for health care and a healthy school environment (National Association of School Nurses/American Nurses Association [NASN/ANA], 2005)
A student's health status is directly related to his or her ability to learn. Children with unmet health needs have a difficult time engaging in the educational process. The school nurse supports the students by providing health care assessments, intervention and follow up. The school nurse addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students and supports their achievements in the learning process. The school nurse not only provides for the safety and care of students and staff but also addressess the need for intergrating health solutions in the the education setting. (NASN)

News and Alerts
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - MRSA in Schools